Our Policies
Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy
1. Purpose
The Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy aims to prevent bribery and corruption by determining and implementing relevant counter-policies.
2. Scope
This policy covers:
Bisem Textile’s Board of Directors and all employees,
Suppliers, consultants, lawyers, external auditors, and individuals or organizations working on behalf of Bisem Textile.
3. Definitions
Corruption: The misuse of authority, directly or indirectly, for personal gain.
Bribery: The provision of benefits, offers, or promises to influence the performance or non-performance of a duty in violation of official responsibilities.
Bribery and corruption can occur through:
Cash payments
Political or other donations
Social benefits
Gifts and hospitality
Other benefits
4. Duties and Responsibilities
The Board of Directors is responsible for the implementation and updating of the Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy. In this context:
The Human Resources Department advises the Board of Directors on creating an ethical and trustworthy work environment.
Senior management conducts risk assessments and establishes necessary control mechanisms.
Manages the reporting, investigation, and sanction processes in case of non-compliance with policies.
All employees are responsible for:
Complying with the policies set by the Board of Directors,
Effectively managing risks within their areas of activity,
Working in accordance with legal regulations and company policies.
5. Suppliers and Clients
Suppliers and clients must comply with procedural principles and legal regulations. If non-compliance is detected, the business relationship is terminated.
6. Policies and Procedures
6.1 Bribery and Corruption
Bisem Textile opposes all forms of bribery and corruption. Relationships with third parties seeking to conduct business through bribery or corruption are terminated.
6.2 Gifts
Gifts: Products given without monetary compensation, for commercial courtesy or gratitude purposes.
Gifts given or received must be offered openly, in good faith, and unconditionally.
Symbolic gifts with low monetary value are acceptable, but they should not be frequent.
Accepted gifts must be reported to superiors through Human Resources and senior management.
6.3 Facilitation Payments
Facilitation payments to expedite or secure processes with government institutions are not made.
7. Accurate Record-Keeping
Bisem Textile adheres to the following rules in accounting and record-keeping systems:
All transactions are recorded and stored completely, accurately, and reliably.
Documents are not falsified, and real information is not distorted.
8. Reporting Policy Violations
When a policy violation is encountered, it must be reported to Human Resources and the employee representative.
Reports are kept confidential, and the reporter is not subjected to pressure or punishment.
Business partners should also encourage their employees to report such incidents.
9. Policy Violations
Policy violations are investigated, and if misconduct is found, appropriate sanctions are applied.
Contracts with business partners include a clause allowing unilateral termination in case of policy violations, and this clause is enforced.