Social Compliance Policy

BİSEM – PARADİSE TEXTILE MANUFACTURING AND TRADING LTD. CO. commits to establishing, improving, and maintaining a quality system at every stage of production and management; adhering to occupational health and safety rules; being environmentally conscious; and creating a work environment where employees feel respected and valued through healthy communication.

Our company agrees and commits to the following principles:

Prevention of Child Labor

  • Complies with the procedures and principles of employing child and young workers.

  • The minimum age requirement is 18 years, and no one below the legal minimum age is hired.

  • Does not allow child visitors in production areas.

  • Requests identification documents for age verification.

  • Does not use apprenticeship or internship programs.

  • Assigns young workers to appropriate tasks, keeping them away from hazardous jobs.

Prevention of Forced and Compulsory Labor

  • Employees perform their duties under employment contracts in exchange for wages.

  • Does not employ forced, bonded, contracted, or involuntary labor.

  • Allows voluntary overtime, the right to resign, and the right to leave the company in emergencies.

  • Grants employees freedom of movement.

Prohibition of Prison Labor and Outsourcing to Prisons

  • Our company does not employ prisoners or outsource work to prisons.

Prevention of Discrimination

  • Does not discriminate based on language, religion, race, gender, age, disability, political opinion, or any other factor in employment and work processes.

  • Evaluates employees solely based on their skills and abilities.

Working Hours

  • Regulates working hours and overtime rates in accordance with applicable laws.

Wages and Payments

  • Fully complies with wages and payments as determined by laws and collective bargaining agreements.

  • Provides all social rights and leaves, does not request money upon hiring, and does not make deductions.

Occupational Health and Safety

  • Takes all necessary measures to prevent workplace accidents and occupational diseases.

  • Provides employees with protective equipment and organizes safety training.

  • Does not retaliate against employees who raise health and safety concerns.

  • Conducts first aid training and commits to performing all tasks safely.

Discipline / Prevention of Abuse and Harassment

  • Treats all employees with respect, dignity, and equality.

  • Does not tolerate verbal, physical, sexual, or psychological harassment, bullying, or coercion.

  • Ensures no discrimination in disciplinary processes.

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Rights

  • Respects employees’ rights to organize, engage in collective bargaining, strike, and participate in actions.

  • Supports the free election of worker representatives and their communication with employees.

Complaint Mechanism

  • Collects employee feedback through suggestion and complaint boxes and aims to improve employee satisfaction.

Environmental Protection

  • Complies with environmental regulations and customer standards.

  • Takes necessary steps to prevent environmental pollution, protect natural resources, and reduce carbon emissions.

Compliance with Customs Regulations

  • Complies with all local and international regulations.

  • Implements necessary programs to prevent illegal shipment of products.